Clean Pro Updates
It just keeps getting better.
Nothing excites me more than releasing a new and improved version of Clean Pro. It's an opportunity to create even cooler and more flexible modules that incorporate your valuable feedback and ideas.
So keep em' coming!
Let's hear your idea!
The feedback and ideas I've received over the years is what has made CLEAN so awesome today.
Released: Mar. 18th, 2025
You guessed it. Another theme update is ready to rock.
Global Header
- The Mega Menu gets a new "Image / Text" element
- Button spacing fix in the Side Menu when viewed on tablet and mobile
Versa Cards
- The Flexi-Card style now includes a modal pop-up option.
- All-new card style called "Inline Cards"
Global Footer
- The option to have a fifth column is now available
- GitHub has been added to the social media options
Table of Contents- Bug fixed where you could not access the HubSpot Sprocket icon in the top right
- Tablet mode now does not collapse the Table of Contents
Video Gallery
- The filter option is fixed
Countdown Timer
- Safari browser bug was fixed so the correct message above the counter displays.
Released: Feb. 11th, 2025
I've got an awesome new update for you based on all the feedback I've been getting.
Clean Pro has now been upgraded to the latest version of jQuery 3.7.1
Magic Module
- Setting to add rounded corners to videos and images
- Option to add custom color to form headings
- Now you can add multiple to a single page
- New "simple text" style option for the tabs
Versa Cards
- The auto Height feature has been fixed on mobile devices
Video Gallery
- New settings to center videos
Image Gallery Grid
- Ability to have up to 6 images in a row
- Ability to center images
- Rounded corner options
Global Footer
- WhatsApp and Line social media accounts added
- Ability to set the position of the return to top button
- Spacing for new phone number input field
- Table of Contents fix on mobile when a sub-item is tapped
Released: Dec. 6th, 2024
I've got a very merry theme update to round out the 2024 year.
New Module:
Product Detail (beta)
- The new module is perfect for any pages you are creating which feature a physical product or anything you're currently selling on your website.
HubSpot Case Studies Feature
- Now, all of the Clean Pro modules are compatible with HubSpot's new Case Studies feature which is part of Content Hub.
Magic Module
- More custom color settings for form elements (help and privacy text)
Versa Cards
- Fix the search feature when used without the filter feature.
Video Gallery
- Fix for the pop-up display of video on mobile devices
Count Up
- Quick fix for the error getting generated in the console log
Countdown Timer
- Fix for the display of content after the time is up.
Vert Scroller
- Fix for style settings in column 2
Released: Nov. 5th, 2024
A few quick improvements.
Magic Module
- Full-screen background option fixed on mobile and tablet devices when content is too long.
IMPORTANT: On any pages where you're utilizing this feature, address the padding-top on Tablet and Mobile
Masonry Gallery
- Fix with next/previous arrows displaying
Hero Slider
- Background images are now always centered properly.
Versa Cards
- Fix the filter feature in relation to showing cards with partial words.
Released: Oct. 22st, 2024
A quick follow-on update with some popular customer requests.
Versa Cards
- Now you have the ability to select how many cards you would like to show in a row on tablet and mobile.
Global and Local Header
- Now you can set where you would like the CTA/Button to appear on mobile devices (Header, Side Menu, or Both)
Magic Module
- Overflow bug where elements positioned outside of their container get hidden.
Released: Oct. 22st, 2024
Here is what's updated in the latest version of Clean Pro
New Modules:
Masonry Gallery
- Back by popular demand is the new and improved Masonry Image Gallery (beta) module.
Vert Scroller
- This two-column module is great when you have one column with much content and another with a little amount and you want the shorter column to scroll with the page.
Global Header/Footer
- WhatsApp icon added to social icons
Global Header
- Now, when you set the Sticky Header to slide in at 0px your global header will remain at the top of the page.
Magic Module
- When using a form you can now utilize the built-in form title
Released: Oct. 1st, 2024
Here is what's updated in the latest version of Clean Pro
Magic Module, Versa Cards, Content Slider, Video Playlist, and more.- Now you have the option to set a specific background image on the "section" of the module to display on mobile devices.
Magic Module
- Option to add data attributes when using the Standard Button content element.
- Option to set the vertical alignment of images used for rotating background feature
Global Header/Footer
- Option to turn off the "nofollow" feature on the social media links.
Magic Module- Fixed z-index feature when applied at the column level
Released: Aug. 30th, 2024
Here is what's updated in the latest version of Clean Pro
- Magic Module
- New Rotating Background Image feature for sections
- Layering options (z-index) at the column level
- Image and Text Opt 2
- Better tablet experience
- Magic Module
- Spacing setting when the Accordion content element is used
- "Wave" feature that covers buttons and calls to actions from being clicked
- Modal Popup option when 2+ buttons are used.
- Versa Cards
- Hover Card style: Fix when the slide-in option is used with different-sized images.
- Video Gallery
- Video width fix when the embed feature is used
- Feature Comparison Table
- Fix when multiple modules with a different number of packages are in each table.
- Card Flippers
- Font Awesome icon integration
- Flexi-Tabs
- Alignment of the tabs/buttons when a custom width is applied
Released: June. 19-25, 2024
Here is what's updated in the latest version of Clean Pro
- Versa Cards
- The Hover Style now gets the filter option included.
- Speaking of filters, now you can have up to 3 filter dropdowns for more flexibility.
- Magic Module
- Option to center align the form submit button when using the Form Content Element
- Versa Cards
- Social icon's color fixed
- Count Up
- Now you can use multiple modules on the same page
- Global Footer
- When including a blog post the formatting of the text is fixed
Released: Mar. 13, 2024
I've got some fun new updates in store for you which you won't want to miss out on. Here is a quick overview.
- Versa Cards gets a whole new card style called "Hover cards".
- Now with the new blog post template, you can use HubSpot's new Post Narration feature.
- Global Header: Arrow color changes on the hover state plus the side menu will now close when using anchor links.
- Video Gallery max width is now respected.
Released: Feb. 29, 2024
Very Important! Watch this video before installing the update if you are currently on v78 or prior.
New Module:
- Introducing the Flexi-Tabs Module
- Magic Module - New custom form label color options.
- Versa Cards: Add your own placeholder text for the search field
- Global Header - Arrow dropdown and language switcher color
- Global Footer - Social icon color
- Meeting Calendar - Background color
Released: Feb. 6, 2024
Very Important! Watch this video before installing the update.
I've given a complete makeover to all of our Clean Pro templates, making them more modern and sleek. So, if you're upgrading from a previous version, don't worry! You'll still have access to the original templates too.
Released: Nov. 28, 2023
- Video Gallery
- Option to add a drop shadow to the video card as well as other styling options
- Blog Post Thumbnails - Listing
- Ability to set all featured images to the same height
- Related Blog Posts
- Ability to set all featured images to the same height
- Video Playlist
- Now supports having multiple on each page.
- Versa Cards
- Auto-height feature fixed when card is a link
- Accordion Menu
- The sticky feature is now fixed
- Global Header Side Menu
- Fix for sub-menu background color
If you're jumping to v78 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.
I appreciate you!
Released: Nov. 9, 2023
- New Video Playlist module
- Now you can create a seamless playlist utilizing HubSpot videos
- Versa Cards
- Better pagination navigation when you have a lot of cards
- Magic Module
- New form option so you can select specific people to get notified when a form is submitted.
- Accordion Menu
- Sticky feature is now fixed
If you're jumping to v76 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.
I appreciate you!
Released: Oct. 16, 2023
Animated Gradients comes to the following modules:
- Magic Module
- Versa Cards
- Content Slider
- Count Up
- Countdown Timer
- Video Gallery
- Related Blog Posts
- Magic Module
- Mobile stacking order
- Form width sizer
- Global Header
- Mega menu background color for sub-nav items.
If you're jumping to v75 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.
I appreciate you!
Released: Oct. 5, 2023
Magic Module:- New Accordion Content Element
- Versa Cards Module
- Auto height display fix when flexi card is set to be a link
- Search function when using a capital letter
- Mega Menu
- Hover fixed when you mouse over the dropdown arrow
If you're jumping to v74 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.
I appreciate you!
Released: Sept. 28, 2023
- Versa Cards Module
- Now you have a search option along with filters
- Countdown Timer
- Fixed display in Safari browser
- Video Gallery
- Fixed display for Vimeo and Wista embeds
- Global Header
- Fixed subtle page jump when scrolling down
If you're jumping to v73 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.
I appreciate you!